Booking FAQs
I’m new to Catseye Cattery. How do I make a booking?
I’m new to Catseye Cattery, can I visit before I book?
Yes! Just let us know when you’d like to pop over. And please come along during our normal working hours. Please note that cattery tours are strictly by appointment. Please call our Booking Team on 01875 341 090 to make a cattery tour booking.
I am an existing Customer at Catseye Cattery. How do I make a booking?
You can also call Booking Team at the office on 01875 341 090 during our normal opening hours.
What ways can I book my cat/s stay at Catseye Cattery?
I’ve lost my Online Booking password, what shall I do?
What vaccinations does my cat need to have?
Vaccinations should have been done at least seven days before arrival at the cattery. If they are done less than a week there is a risk that your cat’s immunity levels may be low and they may not be fully protected against infection.
We regret that we will not accept any cat into the cattery if they have never been vaccinated.
What records do you keep about me and do you share this?
How safe is my data on Revelation Pets booking System?
Our hosting and service delivery infrastructure ensures the highest level of security. This is supported by a world-class network, data and physical security environment. Security is an ongoing process, not a singular event – we continuously evaluate and reinforce our security policy and practices.
Here are just some of the security precautions we take our servers have SSL Certificates so all data transferred between the users and the service is encrypted. The encryption is the same as that used for Internet banking.
No one has access to your organisation unless invited by you and with a level of user permission selected by you. You can remove any invited users whenever you want.
Our servers are hosted by Amazon in the Cloud – you can review the security measures that Amazon take here:
All servers contained within our infrastructure design are protected by Amazons own Firewall system that restricts traffic between the machines.
Our security is reviewed regularly and audited by external specialists. This includes penetrative testing and automated server port security scanning.