01875 341 090

Paying for Booking Deposits is now Simples!

Introducing a great new and convenient way to pay for cattery booking deposits!! Deposits can now be paid via our online store. Your booking confirmation email will have all the details but you can check-out the ap CLICK HERE.

Catseye Cattery's wide appeal!

Catseye Cattery welcomes many guests from all parts of Edinburgh, the Lothians and the Scottish Borders! Clients come from far and wide including West Edinburgh, West Lothian, Glasgow and even Perthshire! For customers travelling from The Scottish Borders, we are...

Small Business Saturday 6th Dec 2014.

You may have heard about Small Business Saturday UK which is taking place on 6th December. Well, Catseye Cattery are getting involved by inviting all our cat loving friends to join us between 10am and 4pm on the big day for mulled wine ( or coffee! ) and mince pies!!...

Making a Booking at Catseye Cattery

As all our regular customers will know, we aim to process a booking within 24 hours and send a confirmation e-mail so that the customer can be assured that their booking has been confirmed. Occasionally an e-mail does not get through – possibly due to human error e.g....

Lothian Cat Rescue Wish List

Lothian Cat Rescue is a registered charity formed to help cats and kittens that have been abandoned, ill-treated, neglected or are unwanted for whatever reason. Rehoming the cats that are brought to the shelter is our number one priority and our policy is to never...